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Sunday, September 5, 2021

Veto Comp Spoiler (Zingbot)

Happy Sunday Funday! Yesterday was the Veto Comp and...

Winner of the Veto is:


This is bad news for Claire, as Tiffany is planning on making Claire..her #1 ally in the house...the renom. In addition, as of now, Tiff does not plan on telling Claire about The Cookout alliance. This is horrible jury management, but honestly, it doesn't matter because I don't see Tiffany lasting past next week anyway (sadly). I've said it for weeks now that Tiff's game was fine "short term" but she was screwed "long term". This is one of the many outcomes I saw coming to fruition. So looks like Claire's game is over this week, and if Tiffany doesn't win veto next week in the double eviction (or HOH in the 2nd round during the double), then she's most likely gone too. 

The Veto Comp was Zingbot, by the way. Can't wait to see what he had to say to the houseguests. 

Tomorrow (Monday) is the Veto Ceremony where we can expect Alyssa to take herself off the block and Tiffany will name Claire as the renom. Normally I'm all about drama, tears, and backstabs. This one, though? This one is not sitting well with me and I will take no pleasure in watching these best friends have a falling out. It won't be entertaining. It's going to be gut wrenching. Ugh.

In other news, Hannah/Alyssa made a Final 2. (She took Xavier's pawn. lol) 

I'll be back tomorrow with the Veto Ceremony spoiler. Until then, hope everyone is enjoying their holiday weekend!!


  1. I know it's a show and they are playing for a lot of money. But the whole "side dish" didn't sit well with me. It playing with people's emotions.

    1. its been done before in the past, ie The Brigade

  2. Omg... I don't know WHY Tiff went for Hoh this week. It would've been better for her to lay low til all non cookout members were gone. I wish she would tell Claire about the cookout at this point. The jury has to be real dumb not to see there is a larger social cause motivating the moves in this game. This renom is gonna be sad 😔

  3. That was a bad move on Tiffany’s part. She’s going to be the first of the 6 to go now. SMH

  4. Yep. The strategy is 109% the brigade. It has worked great twice now. But Tiffany would be better cutting a joker than nominating Claire. She needs to use common sense

  5. This is absolutely the worst season of BB ever and I have watched every season. These people are boring as all hell and incredibly dumb. I guess it goes along with the generation of the day but I don't even mind missing episodes whereas I used to wait anxiously for them. Such a yawn.


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