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Friday, September 3, 2021

Friday: Noms and Stuff

Happy TGI-Friday, everybody!! Today is the Nomination Ceremony and as of now (3:30pm BBT), the Nomination Ceremony is still underway.

As we learned last night, Tiff is the new HOH for this week. So, what's her plans? Well, I had thought that by Tiff winning, that she'd have to put up Claire, but I was wrong. The plan was for Claire to go this week, and Xavier was looking forward to that. However, when Azah fell and Ky was still hanging on, Tiff wanted to hold on until Ky fell because she didn't want him to have a 3rd HOH. (*Us either, Tiff. lol) 

So the plan now is to nominate Alyssa/Xavier with the target being Alyssa. Tiff wants Xavier to win veto and pull himself down. She then would put Ky or Derek F. as the renom. However, the Cookout Alliance is gonna want Claire on the block, so we'll have to wait and see what happens with the veto comp tomorrow.

Moving forward...

I posted this on Twitter and on the facebook group this morning, but the Overnighters for the season are now officially done. This season has been predictable for several weeks now and with only 3 weeks left, and barely any game-play, there's simply no need for them. Especially because we have two Double Evictions coming up, back to back. So from here on out, I will only be posting spoilers of the Nomination Ceremony, Veto Comp, Veto Ceremony and Live Eviction shows. 

Okie dokie, that's it for this post! I'll update this post when the noms are official. Have a great holiday weekend, everybody!!

PS The HG's got their smaller table today! A milestone in every BB season.

Nominated for Eviction is:

(Tiffany said she wants to win Veto herself and lock in her nominations.)


  1. I know some people do not like Tiff but I hope she wins. She is playing (a little too hard sometimes, but still playing). Although things have been predictable all season the next few weeks r gonna get really good. I hope Claire stays next week somehow and it gives the girls a better chance to make it to F2. If not, the guys are gonna take them out and it will be KY or Xavier sitting next to Big D at the end 🙄

    1. Tiff was my pick during initial introductions....I fear she threw a wrench in her chances by winning hoh when she was supposed to throw according to the 6's plan

  2. I know the season isn't going like we all thought it would, but I still appreciate everything you do Jamie. You're awesome!


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