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Monday, September 6, 2021

Monday: Veto Ceremony

Good evening, ladies & gents! Happy Labor Day to y'all! I've been a busy little bee today with some stuff, hence the late post. Anyway...

Alyssa Used the Veto On Herself
Claire is the Replacement Nom via HOH Tiffany

Yesterday, Tiffany and Claire had a talk in the HOH room where Tiff told her that she's going on the block and she's so sorry. She basically told her that her game is over, but to still fight because "there's still a chance" she could stay. (*There isn't. Not sure why she told her that.) The convo was as a gut wrenching to watch as I thought it'd be. You'll see it all on Wednesday's episode, I'm sure of it. 

So that's that. Claire is the renom and she'll be going to jury come Thursday. Tiffany hasn't told Claire about the Cookout alliance, but did say she can't put them on the block for personal reasons. Claire wasn't mad, she understood and cried for a long time with Tiffany crying as well. 

It's important to note that Claire told Tiffany that if she (Claire) goes to jury this week, then that means Tiffany is next out the door. (*if she doesn't win veto, then yep.) Tiffany told Claire is she well aware of that and she knows her game is done, but she had to do this move for her own reasons. (The Cookout)

And that's it for this post! This Thursday is the live eviction where we will see the first Double Eviction of this season! (The second one is next week Thursday.) Alyssa and Tiffany are both the next HG's to look to be evicted moving forward.


  1. A member of the cookout will be the winner of big brother!! That is amazing. Their solidarity is unmatched. For entertainment purposes I hope Alyssa hangs on for a minute to break up the predictability for the next few weeks. Unfortunately the biggest floater in the house (Big D) will be sitting next to KY or X at the end. I was hoping a woman would win but once Tiff is gone I can see the guys dominating at the end (I hope I'm wrong) 🙄

  2. I might get some backlash from this but this is how I see it. Has there ever been a season of an all white alliance that said "let's get rid of the blacks"? Not that I know of. I thought WE all are to work together to end racism but this season shows the complete opposite. Yes, it is time for a black winner but not in this way. We are to show unity which this season has not shown that.

    1. And that sounds well and good but in 21 seasons of BB previously, this was so far from ever happening after Danielle’s season. Look at poor Jodi from Season 14 — she basically got evicted on the basis of not winning one comp and not seeming like she’d fit in.

      It’s never been explicitly stated, but most black houseguests were on an island and were almost always the low man/woman on any alliance totem pole. Some of it was just a lack of bonding experiences, things in common, etc. until more recent seasons it didn’t feel racially biased so much as people having more in common from similar backgrounds. The black houseguests rarely got the chance to connect with their non-black houseguests as easily as others. Think of how often seasons have had multiple surfer bros.

      The Cookout stuck to a strategy in a season that offered a better opportunity to assure BB would have a black winner dusting off The Brigade’s strategy.

      With history made the next round of black houseguests can feel free to play the game any way they want. It felt clear at times in any other season the Cookout members would rather have just played their own game, but are playing for history first and winning second.

    2. No backlash but if I may let me share a different perspective. Technically they never said let’s get rid of the whites. They said let’s protect each other and have our backs because we are family. They are not being racists. Some argue by definition that black people cannot be racist. Racism, at its most basic definition, is when people think that one color or race is better than another, and they treat or mistreat people based on that belief.

      What they formed is like An affinity group which most big brother alliances start off as especially in the early parts of the game when you do not really know anyone. An affinity group is a group formed around a shared interest or common goal, to which individuals formally or informally belong The cookout’s shared goal was to have a black person win big brother. IMO this is why they have been quite successful this year. They had a mission and made sacrifices to see the mission succeed.

      I do hope next year the cast is way more diverse with lots of different races, gender identities, ages etc so their is no majority present.

    3. MicheleW I agree with your perspective.

    4. How can you get more diverse than this! Im baffled at the issue of a all black alliance when show has had all white alliances since it started!

    5. How can you get more diverse than this! Im baffled at the issue of a all black alliance when show has had all white alliances since it started!

    6. No but race as always played a factor is the very early exists of so many black and pocs. Go back check the tapes. Go back and also see some of the direct and indirect racism faced by those people. They didn’t target white people they persevered their alliance. Unity can’t be formed until that unconscious bias of not saying it out loud but nominating and evicting black people. Please go back and re watch, also they outplayed the others give them their credit. This is what Claire meant by some people won’t get it. Some of those people don’t want to get it.

  3. If Tiff knew that this would be the end of her game, why not nominate an additional cookout member like Ky and really stir the pot? Then she has an ally going into the next week.

  4. IMO. I think looking at it from a black/white perspective is the issue. Sure a white HG has won because the casting director selects predominantly white people. That's not the real issue. It's the type of character traits that's not diverse enough. It's always the token college kid, buff guy, nerd, BB Super Fan, a older person, a gay/bi person, a person of color, beauty queen, country/cowboy or girl, celebrity relative, etc. How many ethnicities is there? How many are being represented? It doesn't always have to be about a person's sexual preference or what they identify as. Cause if we're being fair across the board what about handicap or mentally challenged people? I apologize if I didn't mention said people by the proper term. No offense to any group either that is not my intent. At the end of the day we're all just people. In my eyes we're all the same with our own quirks. Let's just focus on the fact we still get to watch this show we all love despite a HG that represents us individually. Labels don't do anyone justice especially when all we want to do is unify and bond with one another. Sorry didn't mean to get so deep over a show. Hope I didn't offend anyone. On another note, long time reader Jaime of your blog first time commenting. You always do excellent work and I appreciate it a lot. Have a great life everybody.

  5. I am so impressed with this convo and this group of people.

  6. This whole Tiffany speech is so BS. It is a shame as to what just happened. Tiffany bc of your move to put your friend on the block I hope that you are the next to go.

  7. I don't think I ever heard them say let's get out all of the white people.

    They are an alliance that has stuck together who happen to be all black. This has happened before in the game with all white alliances. There was never any intent to get rid of the black people for these alliances either.

    This is the most racially diverse cast they have ever had and as a result we'll have a racially diverse winner. Good for CBS for taking this step.


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