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Saturday, August 21, 2021

Saturday: The Overnighter

Good morning & welcome to your weekend! Sorry for being MIA last night, I was exhausted from work and didn't have the energy to blog. Things just keep getting worse and worse this season. Ugh. 

Anyway, HOH Sarah (aka Kyland) did the nominations for the week and...

Nominated for Eviction is:

Big D is just a pawn, as Derek X. is the backdoor plan. This was confirmed by Sarah via her cam talk with us. She apologized to America because she knows we love him so much. 

Then the High Rollers twist was played and...

Xavier is the renom via wheel spin

So now we have Claire VS Xavier on the block. At this point, either Claire or Derek X. is going home on Friday, depending on the veto outcome. So not only is a fan favorite in danger of going home this week, but we also have to endure yet another long week of Kyland being the acting HOH via Sarah. He's exhausting and unbearable on the feeds.

Today is the Veto Comp and if Derek X. isn't picked to play, it's game over for him. 

(Derek X. said if he wins the veto, he's not using it to save either nom. That means bye bye Claire.)

If he does play and wins, then Claire will go. We have yet another season of a big alliance (The Cookout) steam rolling over the house. I'd love be the one to give y'all hope and say 'but wait until the final 6 when they have to turn on each other', except that it looks like we might be having a possible triple eviction coming up on Sept. 16th...which would take us from the Final 7 to the Final 4 in the span of 2 hours. That means all the good gameplay for the season wouldn't happen. (I wasn't lying when I said this season just keeps getting worse and worse. lol)

I'll be back later today to let you know (1) who plays in the Veto Comp and (2) who won it. Stay tuned!


  1. So I’m guessing X isn’t even gonna try to win it? 🤷‍♀️

  2. I think the producers need to shake this game up. All new contests are needed. The players are too intimately familiar with them,and team up and plot ahead of time. It would be more surprising for everyones

  3. I would like them to model after BBUK and some of their games.

  4. I complain every year that they should get big targets out while they can. Well they have, and it makes a boring house. When dominant players pick off people, it’s also boring but gets good when they turn on each other. Maybe I got what I asked for. Ugh.

  5. Jaime-As always, your insight is spot on. You make a point I had not thought of. Triple eviction and no good game play equals another boring season. WTH- Does production do that?

  6. I have to say that I was still optimistic just this past week that this season still had something to offer. I was wrong. The last 10 years have stunk. I try and hope every new year will be different. I thought they had a more diverse cast this year. Not everyone was just n their early 20’s and beautiful for once! I give up!


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