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Friday, August 20, 2021

Friday: The Overnighter

Good morning & Happy TGI-Friday, y'all! As you guys & gals know, every 2 weeks I work outside the home and today is that day. For that reason, I'm not able to give an Overnighter.

We saw Sarah win HOH, but it's really just Kyland's 3rd HOH. He's been her puppet master since she got the HOH key. Sarah talked to the HG's yesterday, and then talked to Ky about what "they" think of them. This HOH is a dual HOH, with Sarah as the co-HOH, apparently.

Also, we still have that High Rollers twist thing and that can jack up plans this week. (*I can't wait until the twists are done, they're been nothing but failures all season. lol) Anyway, I'll be back tonight with all the spoilers of what Sarah Ky wants to do this week with noms and a target and the outcome of the twist. 

Before I go, here's a shot of the camera man zooming in on the picture of Sarah and her girlfriend:

(Not sure if they're still dating ever since her and Ky have been attached at the hip in the BB house or not. ) Okie dokie, see y'all later!!


  1. Are they blind? I can't stop saying kick Tiffany out because she is really managing people's brains
    I know I keep posting the same thing but I have no one else but this forum to vent. Thanks. Probably Sunday I'll be saying the same thing. Sorry 😞

  2. Unknown-I literally did LOL when I read your post! I have felt the same way about things in the past about this game and in the same sitch where there is no one to express all my pent up big brother frustrations and have come here hoping and praying some body would agree with me!!!! Or just talk about it with me! So! Here you go. I agree 100%! I actually like Tiffany though. She has been pretty smart and I’m absolutely shocked that no one has caught on! (I also like her because she is from Detroit like myself). They are all worried about Derek X. (I like him also) Going back to Tiffany, she talks to a lot of people but I’m kind of thinking that they all kind of see her has she is tight with the person she is talking to at that moment. She is very personable and when she talks to them individually I think, they think that she isn’t talking like that with everyone else also. I’m going to start paying more attention to her and her talks and see what happens. I here for you to “vent” to!!!!


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