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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Tuesday: The Overnighter

Welcome to your Tuesday, ladies & gents! The one morning I have a lot of time to go over the BB house happenings and not much happened. Go figure! haha But there was some things to for sure cover. Let's start with the highlights...

*in case you missed it, we have Travis VS Alyssa on the block after yesterdays Veto Ceremony

*Travis seems to be the one going on Thursday night during the live eviction

*Frenchie told Alyssa she's safe this week

*Frenchie/Brent are the 2 houseguests I see being in trouble for next week at this point

*Sarah revealed the Jackpot alliance to Kyland, he told her about the Slaughterhouse alliance, but Kyland did NOT reveal the Cookout alliance to Sarah.

*The Slaughterhouse made their alliance official yesterday at 5:37pm BBT on Cam 4....


Apparently, BB wanted them to make it official to have the footage for the show. If you haven't yet seen it, this is the current alliance chart I posted a couple days ago (you can click on it to enlarge):


I guess that's it for the Overnighter, as I can't really find anything else game related. Like I said, it was a pretty chill night. This early in the game, I'm not covering general chit-chat. Only the important stuff. 


The first 2 weeks are always a little hard to keep up as we are getting to know the HG's (their names and personalities, true allegiances, etc) as they're getting to know each other. We're still in that honeymoon phase right now. Happens every season. This is the boring time (drama wise) though, because nobody wants to rock the boat and be out this early in the game, which is understandable. It's an even better strategy when you have a few houseguests already painting a target on themselves..just lay low and let them be targeted. 

This years twist (the Wild Card Comp) is a nice addition because it gives safety to at least one if not more HG's, can dish out possible punishments for the house or houseguests, and can really throw a wrench in the HOH's plans for that week. This, of course, being in addition to the HOH and Veto comps. This will hopefully speed up that honeymoon phase a bit and get people to start to tear into each other and claw their way to the $750k. Or at least, that's my hope. ;) 

Today is Tuesday, which doesn't really mean anything game wise in the BB house. I don't see the target really switching this week, so I'm expecting Travis to go on Thursday and have the HG's continue to plot and plan for next week, as they've been doing since yesterday post veto ceremony. 

I'll be back later with the Afternoon in the BB House post. I'm home today, so I'll also let y'all know if there's any breaking news. Until then, enjoy the feeds and enjoy your Tuesday!! :D


  1. Is it possible to put their names by their pictures at the top? Not sure who is who.


  2. you'll get to know them in a couple weeks im sure. doing it is a nightmare for me, design wise.


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