Watch BB22!

Monday, July 12, 2021

Monday: Veto Ceremony Spoiler

Good afternoon (or evening, depending on where you are lol)! The HG's had their Veto Ceremony today and....

Derek X. used the Veto on Kyland
Travis is the replacement nom

So now we have Alysssa VS Travis on the block. Which one will go home? We'll find out on Thursday during the live eviction. 

I'll be back in the morning with a detailed Overnighter. Sorry, I know I haven't been around much but as some of you on the facebook group already know, I wasn't even sure if I'd blog again due to my life being crazy busy. (It's after 8pm and I'm in the middle of cooking dinner because I just got home lol) I'm trying to find that balance. I'll have tomorrow morning to dedicate to a nice detailed post though, for sure. So just bear with me as I settle in for the season and find out what time-frames work for my schedule so I can still do the blog. One thing I can promise, is that I will be here for the Thursday live shows and all the endurance comps! :D

Okie dokie, see all you lovely guys and gals in the morning!


  1. Facebook group you say?!? Can you share the name/link? Thank you!

    1. Just look for Because Youre Addicted Group with 6.5k members in it :)

  2. Thanks so much for keeping the blog going!!

  3. This blog is my BB season aid. There is no BB without this blog. I've used it since I first started watching BB Season 14. Thank you, Jamie!


Read Before You Post:

1) I will not approve any hateful comments. Remember that it is just a show. Enjoy it.

2) It is real simple: speak your mind, but be respectful at the same time. :)

3) RELAX!! This is a fun blog, so have FUN!!

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