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Tuesday, July 13, 2021

Tuesday: Afternoon Post

The afternoon was filled with game talk, but mostly just about moving forward for next week. Lots of "I'd probably want to nominate so and so for eviction" talks. As of this week, still looks like Travis will go. Derek X is worried that Travis is gonna blow up peoples games on his way out the door on Thursday because he had mentioned he might say something crazy on his way out if he gets evicted.

In other news, Frenchie started another alliance (because if there's one thing Frenchie needs, it's another alliance lol) And the name of it is...*drumroll*...French Kisses. *head desk* I..I have no words. 

Anyway, the alliance includes himself plus Azah/Hannah/Claire/Tiffany/Sarah. Azah then went and told Britni about the new alliance. 

Later on, Tiffany told Sarah that she thinks Frenchie is just preparing to have votes from the women in case he ever gets on the block, then he'll have the votes to stay. Sounds like she's not taking it too seriously.

The rest of the day, the HG's had talks if "I win HOH, I think I'd want..." so and so on the block and comparing notes. Seems like this week is kinda done and they're moving onward and upward with next week in their sights.

And that's it for the afternoon post! Today is Kyland's 30th birthday and the HG's had a toga party, so if you turn the feeds on and see them dressed up, that's why. lol I'll be back in the morning as usual with The Overnighter. Until then, have a great Tuesday night!!

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