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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Thursday: The Overnighter (kinda)

Gooood morning, BB addicts & a happy Thursday to y'all!! Okay, so the season is officially underway and last night, the live feeds turned on around 9:30pm BBT. As we learned from yesterday's first episode, Frenchie is the HOH for this week. Who does he plan on nominating? We'll get to that in a minute. 

"But first..."

I just want to say a HUGE thank you to all the donators and to all of those that have already bought the feeds through me this season! You guys & gals are frickin' amazing and I'm so humbled by your support. I may not be able to email everyone back like I had time to do back in the day, but I do read each message attached to the donations and I want to say a big thank you to the following donators...

Dwight C., Jill McL., Deana B. Kathleen Mc., Mollie N., 

Daryl G., Nicole C., Kerrie K., and Jane M.

..and to all the fans that bought the feeds through me. I really appreciate you all!!! Thank you!!!

Okay, getting back to business....

Looks like Frenchie wants to target a guy, a "jock" or showmances, possibly via a backdoor plan. At 3:40am BBT, he specifically mentioned to Azah/Claire/Hannah that he's thinking of backdooring Brent. Interesting!

You can tell Frenchie is a fan of the show because he's not targeting a woman (which typically get picked off one by one, season after season) and because he's going after potential threats in the game. Going after the big boys. I like that. A little bold for week 1 but hey, I'm here for it. lol 

Speaking of Frenchie, he definitely should've threw that dice comp on purpose because he just showed how good of a competitor he is (3 wins in one night = might as well paint a bullseye on his face lol). James Rhine's tweet said it best...

 Mmm hmm.

Moving on...

Today will be my first full day of watching the live feeds, so I'll have more to talk about later on today (in a new post) about what's going on, who's aligning, etc. But for now, here's what we know so far...

The Have Not room was revealed to us (11:17pm Cam 1)...

The Have Nots for the week are Christian/Alyssa/Xavier/Sarah.

We have the Nomination Ceremony at some point (not sure if that's today or tomorrow? I think tomorrow) and then Julie had mentioned last night something about a Wild Card comp, so we'll have to wait for that to happen and see the results of that. That should also be tomorrow, I believe. So we can expect today to be a get-to-know-everyone kind of day on the feeds.

There's some talk about Claire/Azah/Hannah being a "trio", so we'll see how that plays out. Still very early in the game. Frenchie wants the women to protect him next week, since he's protecting them this week.

Okie dokie, that's it for right now! If you wanna watch the feeds like I'll be today, then you can grab them down below! I'll be back this afternoon with an updated post and any breaking news as well. 

Until then, enjoy the feeds!! :D


  1. Backdooring someone for the first eviction? You know what happens to people who play too hard, too fast.....

    1. Yep! Frenchie is playing too hard too fast. He's a mess and I'm loving it haha

  2. I said the same thing about the dice comp. I think he needs to lay low the next couple of weeks (if he makes it that far) I also said that when they were doing the first comp they should arrange it outside first then put it in the slots and whomever did that is the person I’m gonna root for. - it was the captain of the kings. Go figure lol.

  3. This is going to be a great season :) Thank you for all your efforts on the blog Jamie you do an amazing job. Quick question is there a way to rewind to watch the feeds on Paramount or is that option not available?

    1. hi laurie! yes, on the desktop there is but not on the mobile. :(

  4. Quick question, why have the feeds been down all day? They did this last season and we paid to watch pets play

    1. hey steph! the HG's are playing the wild card comp. I just made a new post about it.


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