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Thursday, July 8, 2021

Thursday: Afternoon Post

Hey guys & gals! I've been waiting to do this afternoon post because the feeds have been down for several hours now and I was waiting for them to come back on. Why are they down? Because the Wild Card comp is being played. What is the Wild Card comp all about? It's where 1 houseguest per losing team competes and the winner will be safe for the week but at the expense of releasing a punishment for them/their team/or whole house. (Big thanks to @hamsterwatch for the details!) 

Before the feeds switched off, we saw a morning of Frenchie over-playing the game by making 2 different alliances, both called "The Slaughterhouse" alliance. (*Oh geez, not this again. lol) We'll see what happens with that as time goes on. 

Slaughterhouse Alliance: Frenchie with Britini/Azah/Derek F./Claire/Hannah...and then he talked to Xavier/Whitney about it. Not sure just yet what's all going on, but we'll see! Seems that he wants a "core" of 4, thought it's not clear which 4 yet. Ughh what a mess! haha

Anyway, back to Frenchie...

Okay, so his target this week was Brent but after a conversation with him before the feeds cut, it seems that Brent did a good job charming his way (possibly) off the block and potentially getting Christian's head on the chopping block instead. We'll see!! 

Okay guys, that's all I have for now. As I'm ending this post, the feeds are still off. I'll update the winner of the Wild Card comp tonight if it's before I go to bed. (I'm old now haha So my bedtime is like 9:30pm, not even joking. lol) Either way, I'll see y'all tomorrow morning with The Overnighter before I go to work. Have a great night, everyone!!

Winner of the Wild Card Comp is:


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