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Wednesday, July 7, 2021

BB23: Premiere Party

It's here! It's here! It's finally here!!!! :D Tonight is the BB23 premiere, where we will get to know the 16 houseguests that we'll be watching for the next 3 months. In a recent CBS promo on Twitter, it was said that the prize is the biggest in BB history (finally a million dollars, perhaps??) and Julie Chen said that you can't float your way to the end this season, like in past seasons. Seems like they're really trying to get everyone to go after each other way harder than in the past and I'm here for it!!!

Okie dokie, I gotta finish up the houseguest banner and then make my popcorn for the show tonight at 8pm ET. I will not be live blogging tonight's episode, as I'll be watching it with y'all and learning the BB23 fam too. I will, however, update this post later with some juicy details on what all went down and I'll be over on Twitter (@BBaddictedJamie) tweeting as I watch. 

So go get your snackies and beverage(s) of choice because it's almost time for Biiiiig Brotherrrrrrr!!!!

Note: The live feeds go live tonight, so make sure you got'em!!



Wow, what a great 90 minute episode! Okay, there's so much to unpack so I'll just do the highlights for those that couldn't watch it right away:

-FRENCHIE is the first HOH of the season
-Team Jokers (Frenchie's team) won safety for the week
-everyone is in teams of 4
-the $500k is now $750k 
-here are the (4) Teams 

Team Jokers: Frenchie/Azah/Britini/Derek F.
Team Queens:Claire/Kyland/Tiffany/Travis
Team Kings: Christian/Alyssa/Xavier/Sarah
Team Aces: Whitney/Brent/Derek X./Hannah

The Have Not's for the week are Team Kings. 

I'll be back tomorrow with a new post, it won't be the Overnighter (since I won't be able to watch the feeds until tomorrow morning) but I'll give an update as I'm learning what's going on and which alliances are forming. Buckle up, guys & gals...the season has officially begun!! :D


  1. Replies
    1. I've got mixed feelings about it ... but I like how the teams shook out last night so I can't be too down on the idea. But ... let's see how the rest of the week goes!

    2. I like it better when they organically group up, but I also have hated how the past few seasons a big group forms and picks off the players I like lol


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