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Friday, July 9, 2021

Friday: Overnighter (Lite Edition)

Good morning and TGI-Friday to you all!! :D The weekend is here! I have to work in about an hour, so I have to make this really brief. (Normally I work from home, so this will be rare for me to work outside the home during the season.) 

Okay, so yesterday we learned that Christian won the Wild Card comp. This means that he's safe for the week. He was also allowed to make 1 other HG safe for the week, and he picked Xavier. This is bad news for HOH Frenchie because he was going to target Christian, after Brent wiggled his way out of Frenchie wanting to put him up after their conversation yesterday. So, now Frenchie needs a new target. Who will it be? Seems like this weeks target will be Derek X. and it'll most likely be a woman as a pawn beside him. #PawnsGoHome 

But wait, there's more! 

Frenchie had promised to not get out a woman or POC during his HOH this week. Respectable. Except now he's contemplating putting up Derek X. and a woman (he named Sarah as a possibility) as a pawn, soo...yeah. lol 

Coming back to the whole Derek X. as a target thing...


How did Frenchie come up with this? As far as I've seen, it's from a conversation that Frenchie had with Derek X. where he (Frenchie) told Derek X. that a "member of your alliance told me you're in an alliance but I won't say who". You can thank Kyland for this, as he's the one who told Frenchie all this. 

Frenchie is playing a messsssyyyyyy game and even Xavier has mentioned how many alliances Frenchie is trying to make is ridiculous. I wouldn't be surprised if he gets the whole in an alliance, at this point. lol 

Okay, so that's it for this Overnighter! Breif, but gets us all caught up for now. Today will be the Nomination Ceremony. Will Frenchie put up Derek X. and a female pawn/Sarah? We'll see!! Then tomorrow, we have the Veto Ceremony where Frenchie's noms will have the chance to take themselves off the block. I'll be back later with an afternoon/Noms post. Until then, have a great Friday!! :D

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