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Monday, July 12, 2021

Monday: The Overnighter

Good morning and welcome to your Monday! On today's episode of "What the f*** is Frenchie thinking?!", we'll explore his paranoia, his lack of decisiveness, and we'll go over just how big of a target he's painting on himself.

Today is the Veto Ceremony and veto winner, Derek X., told Kyland he'd use it on him. Frenchie doesn't want that to happen and said if it does, he'll put up Hannah (as retaliation). Why? Because he wants Kyland to go home this week and wants veto winner Derek X. to pull Alyssa off the block instead. 

But wait, there's more...

Now the replacement nom is actually back to being Travis. Getting whiplash yet? Welcome to my world. lol Frenchie wants it to be Kyland VS Travis on the block. Period.

Since Frenchie changes his mind every hour, let me cover the most recent/important shifts in game talk regarding today's potential replacement nom.

Derek X. mentioned that he (DX) is going to look unloyal if he doesn't take Ky off the block, after saying that he would...unless he could say Frenchie told him to not use it. Frenchie said "do what you want to do". Frenchie just wants Alyssa off the block and Ky goes.

So this is where we are as of this hour. This is bound to change at any time, until the veto ceremony is done. I, for one, will be very happy when that time comes. lol I never want to go through another Frenchie HOH as a blogger. Ever. Again. haha What a nightmare! Okie dokie, I'll be back in the afternoon with the Veto Ceremony spoiler post. Until then, have a great Monday!


  1. Gonna be honest... Frenchie's unpredictable week was kind of refreshing. After a few seasons in a row of only needing to watch the feeds 2-3 days a week because we all knew what was going to happen! Not saying it's smart game play, but it's definitely fun to not know what's going to happen!

    As always, welcome back Jaime

  2. Frenchie is a loon, but at least it’s interesting (although frustrating as a viewer).

    Welcome back Jamie— thanks to you we don’t have to wade through the BB mud ourselves!

  3. Frenchie is a bit cra cra but I guess it is kinda refreshing not knowing what will really happen in the end - so, take Alyssa off the block, Travis goes up and they voted out Travis - LOL!
    and THANK YOU Jamie for being back at it! :)

  4. So glad you’re back Jamie 💜

  5. So glad your back, Jaime! This is the first place I come every season!

    Wow! What a mess! I'm so confused. Lol But I agree with the others, at least it's got us all wondering and it's not predictable like in past seasons. We're just starting so, I'm giving it a chance. 😊


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