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Sunday, July 11, 2021

Sunday: The Overnighter

Happy Sunday Funday, y'all!! :D As we learned in the previous post, Derek X. won the veto. So, who's the target/replacement nom going to be? Looks like it'll be Travis. Let's dive right on into the Overnighter, shall we?!

*You can watch everything below using the Flashback feature on the Live Feeds!*

9:08pm BBT:
Frenchie tells DX (Derek X.) that he can do what he wants with the veto (use it/dont/whatever) but that he'd prefer it was used on Kyland. 

DX said he'll use the veto to save Kyalnd. A few minutes later, Frenchie then said he wants to see 'what the house majority wants to do' (to minimize getting even more blood on his hands). DX didn't like that idea. Frenchie says what he "wants to happen" he might not be able to pull off, if he doesn't have the votes. 

Derek X.: "You have the votes, man." (*then he starts counting votes on his hands.)

10:15pm BBT:
Frenchie told Derek X. that the house wants Travis gone. He then tells DX about his alliance.

10:55pm BBT:

Frenchie (lied) to DX by saying Travis was going to be the renom no matter what, but the truth is
that Derek X. would've been, as we all know.

11:05pm BBT:
Brent/Frenchie talked. They agreed that Travis should be the renom and target this week.

11:07pm BBT:
Xavier asked Derek X. why is Frenchie making him use the veto. DX said it's to prove loyalty after making people feel like he betrayed them. 

Derek X.: "It wasn't scheming.."
Xavier: "You were just talking too damn much."
Derek X.: "Exactly!"
Xavier laughs.

Derek X.: "Literally, if I just (had) shut up...this (veto) wouldn't be around my neck."

Derek X then said he might need to ask production what happened because the conversation (Frenchie talked about) never happened. Later on, DX said he's glad he's able to talk to people in the house again.

11:44pm BBT:

Xavier is comforting Alyssa, telling her she'll be safe this week because there's bigger fish to fry in the game.

A minute later...
Xavier: (to himself) "If (Frenchie) changes his mind again, I'm gonna be pissed." (*join the club lol)

3:26am BBT:
Frenchie knows he has a big target on him now because he went after 4 "meatheads".

And that's it for The Overnighter! Xavier thinks Travis probably knows he's going up. Alyssa said her HOH will be her teams HOH, unlike what Frenchie is doing with his HOH.
In other news, the alliance chart by the extremely talented @89RazorSkate20 on Twitter made the first alliance chart of the BB23 season!! 

(Click to enlarge)

Today is Sunday Funday, which is my 1 day a week I take off from my job and enjoy some fun, but I will be watching tonight's BB episode with all y'all over on Twitter (you can click here to follow me on Twitter) at 8pm ET. Until then, have a wonderful Sunday!! :D


  1. 2 episodes in & I'm already hating this show as much as I despised it last season. Frenchie has a notepad of every season where he takes notes of what he would do different? I guess he better get that notepad & read "play too hard, make promises you can't keep.

  2. I used to love big brother, and I still watch the first few episodes. But man, this show has gone so far downhill, its sad. Bring back the Evel Dick days, or the genius that was Dan. The cast gets worse every year, the twists are just lame and I am struggling with reasons to continue to watch it. Surely Im not alone here?


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