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Friday, July 9, 2021

Friday: Nominations Ceremony

Hey guys! Just got off work and ate dinner, so now I'm back. Okay, so this afternoon at around 12:30pm BBT, the houseguests had the first nomination ceremony of the season and...

Nominated for Eviction are:

Wait..what?! What the heck happened?? lol I'm not sure how we landed here...a woman and a POC on the block, after specifically saying he wouldn't do either but okay.  Also, Brent was the original target, and then Christian (until Christian became safe via the Wild Card comp). So, who's the REAL target now? Alyssa. Why? Because Frenchie wants to take out one of Christians closest people.

If you're scratching your head wondering what's going on, join the club. We're all confused. lol Frenchie makes zero sense and I'm starting to wonder if he even knows what he's doing at this point. He did promise Kyland that if he (Frenchie) wins veto tomorrow, he'll save him with it. 

He also told Kyland how "the backdoor plan is for Travis to go" and that Alyssa will go if he can't do the BD plan (but Alyssa is the target, for now anyway).

Fast forward to the early afternoon...

Alyssa and Frenchie talked. She asked him why she's up on the block. He said it's because she's "in an alliance" with Christian/Sarah and how he believes Christian is coming after him. She said they're not in alliance, they're just on the same team together. Frenchie said it's a test to see who saves her from the block.

The night is young and with Frenchie as HOH, anything can happen. Will his target stay the same until tomorrows veto comp? Or will he switch his target yet again and possibly go after Travis? Ughh, this kid gives me a headache! haha

Okay, that's it for this Noms post! I'll keep y'all updated tomorrow with what happened for the rest of this evening. Can't wait that long? You don't have to! You can get the live feeds and watch what I watch! Otherwise, I'll be back here tomorrow morning. Until then, have a great Friday night y'all!! :D


  1. I might be old and outta touch so I have to ask....what do u mean by POC?

  2. Woooowwwww.. What the heck... Didn't expect that. #ExpextTheUnexpected

  3. Welcome back Jamie!! Hope all is well.


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