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Saturday, July 10, 2021

Saturday: The Overnighter + Veto Players Picked

Yayy it's the weekend! Happy Saturday to y'all! Today's Overnighter is going to be brief since Frenchie is still all over the place with his noms/targets/backdoor plans. As of this hour, I believe his target is now Derek X. (Is your head spinning yet? lol) Don't hold me to that, though. He switches targets every two hours. Also, Derek X. told Brent last night that he hopes to make Travis the target post-veto.

Today is the Veto Comp and that will help steer this HOH ship into calmer waters. Well, hopefully. lol I just noticed this morning that my posts (so far) have been mostly dedicated to only figuring out what Frenchie is doing and not really focusing on the rest of the HG's. There's two reasons for this; (1) there's not much going on otherwise (yet) between the HG's and (2) even the HG's themselves are as confused as us BB fans are with how Frenchie is running his HOH. I'll be able to switch gears and more inclusive post-veto comp, where more strategy could be a driving force in making different moves. *Fingers crossed.* 

The amazing @89RazorSkate20 on Twitter, who does the alliance charts every season, is trying to keep up as well and said he's working on the 1st alliance chart of the season. Once he's able to put the pieces of the puzzle together, then he'll release that. I, for one, am looking forward to that and hoping it'll help us get a grip on this crazy season.

We also have another BB episode tomorrow, which should (hopefully!) help us understand just what in the heck Frenchie is thinking. So let's just see how the veto plays out today and take it from there. Let's not get too confused this early in the game. lol It's a marathon, not a sprint.

So that's all I'm going to do for this Overnighter! Go out, enjoy your Saturday and then check back in here later on for the Veto Comp results and what Frenchie's plan is, at least for that hour. haha Have a great day, guys! ;)

UPDATE @ 9:22am BBT:
The feeds just came back from Veto Players being picked. As soon as the feeds came back on, Frenchie said "Oh my God, the worst possible scenario." lol

Veto Players are:
Frenchie (HOH), Kyland (NOM), Alyssa (NOM),
Derek X., Travis and Tiffany.

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