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Monday, August 23, 2021

Monday: The Overnighter + BB Is Broken

Good morning and welcome to your Monday!! I didn't blog yesterday because well, I didn't want to. lol (I had mentioned this on Twitter, so if you don't follow me over there, then you didn't get the memo.) Anyway, this season is shaping up to be a big ol' flop. I've been blogging since BB9. I know a flop of a season when I see one. It's boring, it's predictable, there's very little gaming going on. *yawn*

BB alumni have been taking to Twitter for their own rants, also saying the same. It's boring and predictable. This lead to Evel Dick (winner of season 8) to do a 10 min video on how BB is broken and what he'd like to see happen moving forward. You can watch his video here. He also retweeted this and I couldn't agree more:

(That was my favorite season to blog, as BB8 was my favorite season to watch. Those were the days.) 

Former BB winner Derrick also had a few tweets about how Big Brother needs changes to be made. He went back and forth with fans brainstorming on what could be done to make BB better. This is just one of those tweets:

Janelle had her own thoughts on this season as well:


If there's one thing that's clear, it's that BB is broken and it needs to be fixed. As Evel Dick said, they can't just keep throwing crappy twists at the game hoping for it to get better (when it actually makes it worse). What do you guys & gals think? What would you do differently? Let me know in the comment section below. 

Moving on...

Today is the Veto Ceremony and Derek X. is going to be the replacemet nom. He'll then be voted out on Thursday. He knows he's going up & out, so he's been trying to get out of getting on the block in the first place. (*Good luck.) Because the HG's this season are done playing the game by Monday mid-afternoon, I'm taking the week off from blogging until Thursday night. IF ANYTHING WORTH NOTING HAPPENS, I WILL BLOG IT. I'll still be around.

I'll make a new post later this afternoon confirming that Derek X. is up as the renom. Until then, have a fabulous Monday!!

PS I'll update the banner post-veto ceremony. ;)


  1. I watch Sunday episode and was screaming at the tv when DX and Claire was talking DX figure it out hypothetically but didn’t play the Roulette game…you have to play the variables

  2. Can we just cut to the part where there's just the Cookout left to see if they actually play?

  3. I really think Sarah Beth shouldn't be able to pick the replacement nom today. X went up cuz of the roulette wheel so that should be used to pick his replacement in my mind

  4. I think that everyone has become so sensitive and all the players are extremely socially conscious. They don’t want to be ‘cancelled’ and are too afraid to upset anyone inside or outside the house and therefore the backstabbing and cat fights aren’t as prevalent. No one wants to be the one to rock the boat or make the moves because they are concerned on how they will be preceived

    1. I actually thought of this as well, when DX spoke to Tiffany of there being no white male jurors and his hypothetical strategy conversation with Claire that aired Sunday there is a underlying element of them not want to be perceived a type of way

  5. I have been watching since BB2..... I would say that BB19 was slightly worse. I think there are a couple issues that plague the game now.... Everything is centered around the HOH/Nom's, there is no good other social interactions like with the food comps or luxury comps or have not or even a concert (BB3) which they can play off of if the HOH/Nom's are a stinker. While this might be a step towards Survivor, I wonder if they need to get rid of the HOH all together? All you have now is one or two strong players just having to manipulate one player to stay safe every week (the HOH) instead of the whole house (or tribe)... you might be able to convince one player but maybe not 8 or 9. Right now they just need one people to not put them up and they are home free. Just have one immunity comp, everyone else would be eligible to be voted out via a house vote, then people would have to work over multiple people

    1. Hello, I have also been watching since BB2. I do miss the luxury comps and food comps. I believe in Season 2 they gave away a car, it was in the backyard and you had to stay in the car the longest to win it. It got down to the last two people. I believe an older man and younger woman and they both desperately wanted/needed the car and they both battled to get it. Something like this would put tension on these two players and whoever did not win the car. So this would make the loser want to go after the winner in the game. Why can't they do something like this again? Also with food comps, whoever wins gets that food along with say 4 other people of their choosing. This would create anger or jealousy on other players who were not chosen. I watched EvelDick's video and agree that the nominees should be chosen immediately after the HOH comp. We don't need the endless meetings with the HOH and them going back and forth on who to put up.

  6. Hi! Thank you blogging. Here are some thoughts as to why it isn’t working out to be an “interesting, rate attraction” season. (Again… just some thoughts we have tossed around) We’ve watched since season 1.

    1. Socially aware (previous comment) this is definitely a factor. Why chance losing your job, getting death threats or putting your loved ones in danger for a show that you hope is a kick start to something bigger for you and your loved ones to benefit from.
    2. Post quarantine/Mid pandemic. We are all in a different head space after 2020. How long our appreciation for neighbors, health care workers and strangers lasts….. well… it was a very lonely few months for a lot of people. Appreciating those around you more is a factor as to why big moves stemming from falling outs and game play might not be happening. (Consciously or not???)
    3. Random chance of casting. It seems we just got a season of people who like each other. Random or intentional….they all seem to really like each other.

    If any or all of these happen to be why we are getting the flat liner problem this season….. but it makes you wonder because every year it continues to happen. Casting or not… we still love the show abs the strategy involved. We just need a few loose canons to join the cast!

  7. I don't waste my time watching BB this season. I read the blog and get more disgusted. I actually hope BB gets cancelled and they put a watchable show in the 3 time slots,

  8. I am enjoying this season and think their is unfair criticism due to the fact that an alliance from week one has done so well. Credit should be even rather then all this hate. Would I have liked more dynamics yes but as a group of dysfunctional alliance members that happen to POCs being successful and making history… I am here for it. Your favs are doing well….fine, although I wouldn’t say no game play, if you paying attention there is tons and subtle. Social awareness I understand might play a part but a lot of BS from people complaining/hating. Just my opinion and appreciate all your work with these blogs.

  9. I would like them change the game to force the veto and powers to be used. If you play a game to win something you better use it. Not just have some power that doesn’t need to be used. Maybe that would at least change the way things worked out and people wouldn’t go for veto just to not use it. They would have to pull someone down and show some cards and stir some drama.

  10. I really like your idea. Veto, secret power...whatever you win must be used in the game. The last few seasons have been so boring. They really need to change up the way the game is played or just cancel the show.

  11. i absolutely loved the early seasons but man, this is a snooze fest. maybe it's the whole "politically and socially correct" that's killing it

  12. I like Kim D.idea of having to use the power. Look at what happen when they used the roulette wheel. And I hate that they "team" up players at the very first. Then they stay "frends" the whole time and won't put them up. And it also has gotten to be a show where everyone that goes through the door, day one, is looking each other over to see which one there'll hook-up with. Bring back the excitement.

  13. I would like to see casting change to choosing players who are gamers of some sort in particular, like game theory experts, pro chess players, video game champs, etc. Fewer future presenters and influencers!


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2) It is real simple: speak your mind, but be respectful at the same time. :)

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